He lost his soul. Someone stole hers.
Sabin Timonen is a sexy cocktail of Southern grace, Texas cowboy, and good old-fashioned honor. He's out to save the planet and nearly every lost soul on it. Somebody has to fight the good fight. Somebody has to stand up. And his mama raised him to be one of those somebodies. But behind the swagger, a solitary man lusts for revenge.
Alessandra Girardi is a hellcat. A tough girl from South Philadelphia, a hotshot NYC attorney, and repressed with a capital R. That combination spells challenge for Sabin, but when Alessandra gets caught in the crossfire with Sabin’s nemesis, Sabin’s intentions turn deathly serious.
Will the headstrong Alessandra let Sabin save her? Will Sabin’s powerful enemies take them both down? Or will the man who fashions himself everybody’s savior let Alessandra save him?
Copyright 2024. Jillian Verne. All rights reserved.